
My collection of links to interesting web sites. This link list is not meant to be exhaustive. Instead the list contains the links that I use frequently or I find otherwise to be very interesting.

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Category Item Date

Comics/Daily Betty
01 Jan 2006
Comics/Daily Drabble
01 Jan 2006
Comics Scott McCloud
At the age of 15, I remember telling my friend Kurt Busiek "I've decided to become a professional comic book artist." It was the Summer between 10th and 11th Grades. My previous decision to become World Chess Champion had proved impractical, but this time I knew I could pull it off and a year and a half out of college, I finally did.
01 Jan 2006
Comics Kupla-Akatemia
Oppaan opetuskerrokset käsittelevät mm. sarjakuvan olemusta, kuvallista ilmaisua ja sisällön synnyttämistä. Lisäksi sarjakuvakouluun kuuluu pohjakerros, josta aloitteleva sarjakuvantekijä voi aloittaa ohjatun kierroksen. Mukana on kolme erilaista tiedonhakumenetelmää, suosittelemme vapaata tekstihakua.
01 Jan 2006
Comics Comiclopedia
An illustrated compendium of over 4,000 international comic artists with biographies and artwork examples.
01 Jan 2006
Comics Sarjakuvat
Tälle sivustolle on koottu luetteloita Suomessa julkaistuista sarjakuvista.
01 Jan 2006
Computers/Software TheOpenCD
The OpenCD is a collection of high-quality Open Source Software. All of the programs on the disc run under Windows; the disc is intended to be an Open Source showcase. New users can try out Open Source software in the comfort of their own, familiar operating system, rather than having to take the drastic step of reformatting their hard drive to install Linux.
01 Jan 2006
Computers/Software Freeware world team
Freeware World Team - International Freeware Database. Presents almost 20000 freeware programs, for Windows OS, from all around the world.
01 Jan 2006
Computers/Software SourceForge is the world's largest Open Source software development website, with the largest repository of Open Source code and applications available on the Internet. provides free services to Open Source developers. Contains for example: 7-zip, phpBB, CDex, Dev-C++, GnuWin32, ...(and many more)
01 Jan 2006
Computers/Programming W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium
The W3C was founded in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. Contains XHTML and CSS recommendations (among other things).
01 Jan 2006

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petri.honkamaa @